Roman 2Diamond

Ancient Times. In the original Roman system, a 2Diamond opening showed any 4441 hand with 17-20 HCP. The responses were the same as in their mini-Roman 2Club opening: new suits were signoffs (opener runs if that suit is their singleton), and 2NT is their strong inquiry (opener rebids their singleton).

Modern Adjustments. Today, most players play that a 2Diamond opening shows any 4441 hand with 16-20 HCP. Some include 5440 hands, where the five carder is a minor. Also, some players have decided that after the inquiry: 2Diamond - 2NT; opener rebids in the suit below their singleton: 3Club (diamond), 3Diamond (heart), 3Heart (spade), 3Spade (club).

The Blue Club system uses the 2Diamond opening to show any 4441 hand with 17-24 HCP.

After the inquiry, responder can sign-off at any time except in the relay suit (opener's short suit, except 2NT over 2Diamond - 2Heart - 2Spade is considered the relay). For 17-20 hands, (except for the 2Diamond - 2Heart - 2Spade auction... see below) The first relay ask asks for the range:

The second relay asks for controls:

The third relay asks for the number of queens:

For 21-24 hands, The first relay asks for the number of controls:

The second relay asks for the number of queens.

Over the 2Spade rebid, 2NT is used as a further inquiry: 2Diamond - 2Heart - 2Spade - 2NT

Over these response, the next relay asks for controls; then another relay asks for number of queens.