Reverse Drury

After a Third or Fourth Seat opening of a Major suit, the responder, who is a passed hand, shows a strong raise with at least 3-card support, and 10-12 point range, by bidding 2Club.

The opener will sign off on the Two Level with a minimum hand, and this is known as Reverse Drury. However, the opener will simply bid game with sufficient values, knowing of the 3-card support in the hand of his partner.

If the opener rebids 2Diamond or the second Major suit, these rebids are natural and forcing, and game is a strong possibility, especially if a second fit is discovered.

As with all Partnership Agreements, it must be stated, that Opener can show a hand willing to accept an invitation to game by bidding any other suit.

Some expert bridge players use this new suit as a Help Suit Game Try. Other bridge players play that the opening bidder must rebid 2Diamond with any hand willing to accept an invitation to game. This allows the responder to show a second suit or return to the trump suit with minimum invitational values.

This is why the Partnership Agreement is so important.