Meckwell Escapes

Meckwell Escapes comprise an escape system for use after your side has opened 1NT and the opponents have doubled for penalty. They're named for American experts Jeff Meckstroth and Eric Rodwell. After the opposing double, responder bids as follows:

Meckwell escapes are relatively easy to remember. Redouble is natural. Direct suit bids are natural (with minors promising a higher suit). The forcing pass handles all other hand types.

Responder's Rebids After opener bids 2C

With 4-3-3-3 shape, responder can either treat his four-card suit as a five-card suit, or he can treat his four-card suit and his best 3-card suit as a two-suiter. In these situations, pray that your opponents elect to introduce a suit of their own.


The following examples assume a strong 1NT opening. However, you can naturally tweak these hands for your own 1NT range.


S642 H65 DK9852 C1087

1NT Dbl* Pass** Pass
2Club Pass 2Diamond***

* Penalty, ** Artificial relay to 2C, *** 2D showing a diamond one-suiter

SA10 HAQ73 DAJ108 C632

S8652 HK1092 D973 C107

1NT Dbl Pass Pass
2Club Pass 2Heart*

* Showing 4-4 in the majors

SKJ10 HA932 DK10 CAQ83

SQ543 H876 DJ9743 C5

1NT Dbl 2Diamond* Pass
2Heart** Pass 2Spade

* Diamonds and a higher suit, ** 2H (I don't like diamonds. What's your higher suit?)