Lebensohl over Weak 2' s

Weak hands (0-6 pts.)

The Lebensohl 2NT is most useful when you have a very weak hand and want to sign off in a suit that is lower in rank than the preempter's suit. If your suit is higher in rank than the preempter's suit (i.e., LHO opens 2H and you have spades), you make your "normal" minimum bid at the 2-level. But if you would have to go to the 3-level to make a minimum bid in your suit, you start with 2NT to relay partner to 3C. You can now pass if C is your suit, or bid another suit.

Medium-strength hands (7-10 pts).

If you bid a suit at the 3-level (instead of using the 2NT sequence), it is encouraging, but not forcing. It shows a hand with constructive values (a good 7 to about 10 pts.), but not enough to jump to game. Doubler can pass with a minimum or bid on with extra values. You can also use the Lebensohl 2NT to invite when your suit is higher in rank than the preempter's suit. If LHO opens 2H and you have spades, you can sign off in 2S if you're weak. If you instead use the Lebensohl 2NT sequence, it shows invitational values (8-10 pts).

Forcing hands (11+ pts).

The Lebensohl 2NT sequences above all show limited values. If you have invitational or forcing-to-game strength, your jump responses can all retain their standard meaning.

If partner doubles a weak 2 bid in balancing seat you have to take into account that they could just be balancing but you must still bid your hand.

After partner doubles in balancing seat a non-jump 3 level bid of a suit shows a good 7-10 HCP.

If partner bids 3NT directly over the takeout double they say they have control of the weak 2 suit and were stuck for a bid over the weak 2. They should have an opening hand or very close. If they go through Lebensohl 2NT then bid 3NT they show only one stopper and suggest if you cannot help in the weak 2 suit then look elsewhere.

After a takeout double, a 2NT bid then a cuebid of a weak 2 major is Western Cue showing a stopper but also guaranteeing 4 of the unbid major.

Bids after a weak 2D is doubled.

2D Pass Pass Dbl
Pass 2NT Pass 3C
Pass 3H/3S*

*shows 7-9 HCP

2D Pass Pass Dbl
Pass 3H/3S*

*shows 10-11 HCP.

When we bid 2NT directly over a weak 2 bid in either seat we show a NT balanced hand with 15-18 HCP and stoppers. Any bid other than a cuebid of the weak 2 bid (Stayman) is to play.