
After the double responder bids 2Club to let the doubler show his suit. The doubler can pass (if his suit is clubs) or bid 2Diamond, 2Heart or 2Spade. If the doubler holds a strong hand with game interest he can jump to 3 of his suit. Responder is not forced to take the 2Club relay if he has his own suit being 6 or a very good 5 card suit especially if he is afraid of one of the unbid suits. After the overcaller shows his suit, 2NT by responder shows a good game invitation while a single raise shows a fit. The double of 1NT should never be left in because the doubler can have very few HCP.

AFTER THE 2Club/2Diamond/2Heart OVERCALL, Responder can pass with 3 card support or he can ask for overcaller's other suit by bidding the next suit up. If responder skips the next suit to bid another suit he is showing his own 6 card suit or good 5 carder. A 2NT bid by responder is rare but it shows a strong hand and asks partner to name his other suit at the 3 level. If responder asks for the second suit by bidding next suit and then bids 2NT that is also a strong game invitation.

OVER OPPONENTS INTERFERENCE. If the opponents bid directly over the D.O.N.T bid, responder never guesses what suit his parter has.The only way to get responder to name his suits is to double or redouble. When the D.O.N.T. bid is doubled responder passes with 3 card support or redoubles to tell partner to bid his other suit.