Baron over NT

1NT Pass 2Spade Pass

Baron asking opener to further describe their hand. This bid is game forcing and tends to be slammish

Responses are:

2NT shows any 5 card suit. Baron bidder can ask which by bidding 3Club.

3C/3D/3H shows a 4 card suit and one higher.

If the 1NT bidder shows their first 4 card suit and the Baron bidder bids another suit they are still looking for a 4-4 fit. Basically you keep bidding 4 card suits until a fit is found then you raise. When you run out of 5 and 4 card suits to bid at the current level you bid NT. If the Baron bidder at any time bids NT it is to play.

3NT - shows 4-3-3-3

A 3NT response to Baron will most likely end any Slam aspirations because of the lack of ruffing value.