1NT - 3Club as Puppet Stayman

When partner opens 1NT and you know they could possibly have a 5 card major you can jump to 3Club as Puppet Stayman so long as you have these requirements:

Responses by opener to 3Club are:

Version 1
Version 2

Justin Lall wrote a good article about the reasons for using version 2.

Version 3

3Club over partner's 1NT is Puppet Stayman asking for a 5 card major only.

Since we tend to open 1NT with a 5 card major and no other 4 card suit to rebid, a jump to 3Club over 1NT with a game forcing hand asks one thing only. Do you have a 5 card major? Opener bids a 5 card major or bids 3Diamond, that's it.

This fits in perfectly with our 2Diamond Game Forcing Stayman.

Let me explain.

In our system previously lets's say after partner opens 1NT and we bid 2Diamond. We have 5 spades and 3 hearts. Partner responds 2Heart and we now bid 2Spade asking partner if they have three card spade support. Now opener's 5 card heart suit will be hidden because bidding 3Heart would show honor third support for spades and the heart Ace.

Playing the 3Club jump over 1NT as Puppet Stayman can be made with a game forcing hand holding one or two three card majors or a 5 card and a three card major.

Opener - 3 4 4 2.

Responder - 5 3 3 2.

1NT Pass 3Club* Pass
3Diamond** Pass 3Spade***

* asking for a 5 card major, ** No 5 card major, *** I have one.

Opener's responses: